Mr Hafiz Javaid Iqbal
Mr Iqbal is a highly sought after and acclaimed Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon in the North West of England. Mr Iqbal’s Specialties include Total knee replacement, partial knee replacement, Sports knee surgery including Meniscal repair and other arthroscopic knee surgery, Knee ligaments surgery including ACL, A.L.L reconstruction, Patella stabilisation surgery including MPFL reconstruction, tibial tuberosity realignment and much more.
Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical enquiry call us.
Opening Hours
Mr Iqbal is a highly sought after and acclaimed orthopaedic & trauma surgeon in the North West of England. He has right from a very young age had his heart in surgery and serving humanity and has successfully performed 1000’s of operations for hip replacement,
Total knee replacement, partial knee replacement, Sports knee surgery including Meniscal repair and other arthroscopic knee surgery, Knee ligaments surgery including ACL, A.L.L reconstruction, Patella stabilisation surgery including MPFL reconstruction, tibial tuberosity realignment and much more.
With his attention to detail, deep level of expertise and a keen eye, despite his modest demeanour, Mr Iqbal is highly sought after and respected by his peers in the North West of England.
Mr Iqbal has dedicated his life to supporting the NHS delivering outstanding orthopaedic care and when he is not doing surgery you will find him working diligently as a trauma consultant in the busy trauma unit at Chester NHS hospital. He has specialist interest in lower limb complex periarticular trauma.
Mr Iqbal has worked as a Consultant at NHS Northwest, Mersey Deanery,Wrightington Hospital, University Hospital Birmingham, Royal Orthopaedic Hospital Birmingham, University Hospital Wales, Cardiff and currently at Chester hospital.
He has presented nationally and internationally on a number of topics related to trauma, hip and knee surgery
Areas of Expertise
- Image Guided Joint Injections using Advanced Therapeutics
- Fine Needle Biopsy
- Image Guided Aspiration and Biopsy
- ACL reconstruction
- A.L.L reconstruction
- Amputations
- Arthroplasty
- Bilateral Tenotomy
- Cartilage reconstruction
- Cartilage resurfacing
- Chondroplasty
- Complex lower limb fractures and soft tissue injuries
- Cubital tunnel release
- Extensive muscle repair
- Hamstring Repair
- Hip Replacement
- Knee Arthroscopy
- Knee Cartilage Injuries
- Knee Replacement
- Knee surgery (ACL repair)
- Meniscus repair (torn cartilage surgery)
- Nerve Blocks
- Nerve Surgery
- Osteotomy
- Patella Stabilisation
- Patella Stabilisation Surgery
- Rheumatology Profiles
- Trauma Surgery
The Grosvenor Hospital,
Wrexham Rd,
Top 8 publications by Mr Hafiz in leading orthopaedic journals including The Journal of bone and joint surgery (American), International orthopaedics, Injury, Knee and Hip International.
1. Unusual osteochondral fracture of the second metatarsal head in a paediatric patient treated with bioabsorbable pin., H M Umer, H J Iqbal, R Thonse, BMJ Case Rep 2021;14:e238376.
2. Has the modern design of Attune total knee replacement improved outcome in patients with isolated patellofemoral arthritis? Y Ashraf, H J Iqbal, Shanaka Senevirathana, T Ashraf, Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery, 2020 Dec: 28(3)
3. The Surgical Management for Isolated Scaphotrapeziotrapezoid (STT) Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review of the Literature. S Jehan, H J Iqbal, M Javaid, K Sharif, Acta Orthop. Belg., 2020, 86, 137-145
4. Pain and outcomes of carpal tunnel release under local anaesthetic with or without a tourniquet: a randomized controlled trial. H J Iqbal, A Doorgakant, N N T Rehmatullah, S Lipscombe, J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2018 Oct;43(8):808-812
5. Acute Compartment Syndrome: Do guidelines for diagnosis and management make a difference? D. Bodansky, A. Doorgakant, J. Alsousou, H.J. Iqbal, B. Fischer, G. Scicluna, M. Bowers, B. Narayan, Injury, 2018;49(9):1699-1702
6. Outcome of revision Arthroplasty for failed metal on metal hip arthroplasty; is there a relation with serum metal ions? H J Iqbal, W Al-Azzani, E JacksonTaylor, E-Clatworthy, A John, Hip Int. 2017 May 12; 27(3): 235-240.
7. Adverse reaction to metal bearing leading to femoral stem fractures: a literature review and report of two cases. Al-Azzani WA, Iqbal HJ, John A; J Surg Case Rep. 2016 Feb 3; 2016(2).
8. Treatment of Distal Tibia Metaphyseal Fractures; Plating Versus Intramedullary Nailing: A Systematic Review of Recent Evidence. H J Iqbal, P Pidikiti; Foot Ankle Surg. 2013 Sep; 19(3): 143-78
Awards And Honours
- GMC, full registration No: 6058356
- British Orthopaedic Association
- Royal College of surgeons of Edinburgh
Medical Protection Society
BASK (British Association for surgery of the Knee)
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